BrewMax DME Softpack - Smooth
BrewMax DME Softpack - Smooth is rated
out of
5 by
Our Smooth Dry Malt Extract Softpack is designed to maximize the quality of your beer by improving mouthfeel, flavor and head retention.
In stock
Our Smooth Dry Malt Extract Softpack is designed to maximize the quality of your beer by improving mouthfeel, flavor and head retention.
Brewers profile: Reddish hues, coffee aromas, toffee richness of flavor with residual sweetness.
Additional Information
INGREDIENTS: 100% Pure Unhopped Malt Extract.
Will add approximately 1% ABV when added to a Mr. Beer refill or recipe.
Rated 5 out of
Easton Brewer from
Mr. Beer doesn't disappoint
All of the Mr. Beer products and ingredients are fresh and top-notch. Their system is designed to make home brewing easy and fun. If you're a busy career dad like me, this is definitely the way to go. If you can make soup, you can make beer.
Date published: 2020-06-05
Rated 5 out of
stannius from
Smooth move
I haven't drunk the beer yet, but while this was more complicated than the LME pouches, it wasn't too bad to mix it into the cold to-be-worth, and it dissolved completely by the time it reached a boil.
Date published: 2020-11-30
Rated 5 out of
MrSteve from
First time using
So glad I read the instructions! Be sure to pour this in A LITTLE BIT at a time! I can easily see how this could cause a mess if added too quickly.
Date published: 2024-12-18
Rated 5 out of
Eriebrewer from
Added body and an alcohol boost. Just use a big kettle as when reaching the hot break, volume increases 2 or 3 times due to foam
Date published: 2023-04-20
Rated 5 out of
spuds from
I got this adjunct to add to an amber bock recipe. it is still fermenting, but this added more malty flavor and a darker color.
Date published: 2017-12-25
Rated 5 out of
Chris d from
Works great
This is a must if you’re looking to add more body flavor to your beer
Date published: 2021-01-01
Rated 5 out of
KDonahue from
Excellent addition
Excellent. Great addition to any brew. Easy to use, good packaging
Date published: 2020-08-17
Rated 5 out of
Anonymous from
Good Product
Convenient product, looking forward to trying the finished product
Date published: 2020-10-12
My softpacks are now hard as a rock! Does this mean they have gone bad or are they still ok to use? If ok, is there a way to soften them before use? Is there a proper way to store them in the future if not brewing right away? Thanks!
DME is vulnerable to gathering moisture, but since you'll be boiling it, all you need to do is break it up with a mallet or your hands. Even if there are undissolved pieces left, the yeast is hungry and will find it.
Any dry location would be best, even a fridge or freezer would be a good spot if you don't have a dry place or not a lot of room.
Date published: 2023-11-10
When is the Brewmax DME Smooth package outlooked to be back in stock??
Hello! We should be re-stocking by next week! Cheers!
Date published: 2022-01-24